Developing District Heating in Trollhättan

Trollhättan Energi is developing district heating in Trollhättan and has assigned EML to make a customized energy systems model, the TIMES-TE model. The model is used to analyze existing district heating operations, explore options for new technologies, and identify cost-optimal solutions.

Consequently, EML has generated about 30 scenarios, allowing for an in-depth analysis and testing of multiple options. The model data spans the period 2027- 2040. Among the results of the analysis were recommendations for phasing out existing biomass-based plants over time, investing in heat pump technology, and not reinvesting in new CHP plants.

Identifying waste heat potential

Trollhättan Energi provides heating to 18,000 homes and 300 companies in the Swedish city of Trollhättan. By 2030, Trollhättan Energi’s energy production should be fossil-free.

The TIMES-TE model has a representation of available energy resources, including not yet exploited sources such as wastewater. Waste heat potential in Trollhättan was identified using registers of all municipal activities and mapping through GIS modelling.

The TIMES-TE model can be regularly updated and used as a tool for continuous strategic energy planning, dovetailing system developments and financial planning.

Icon of Energy System Model used for developing district heating in Trollhättan


EML used the TIMES energy systems modelling framework to develop a customized model of the district heating network in Trollhättan, the TIMES-TE model.

Icon of scenario analysis made for developing district heating in Trollhättan


An analysis of about 30 scenarios testing different assumptions, technology options, and targets was accomplished.

Icon of report making recommendations for developing district heating in Trollhättan


We produced a comprehensive report of the results that supported the decision-making of the management of Trollhättan Energi.

Client: Trollhättan Energi

Partner and project lead: Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL) / Kristina Lygnerud

EML Team: Kenneth KarlssonTill ben BrahimAndrea Radoszynski

Duration: April – October 2024