
We provide analyses of the green transition of energy systems and future demand and prices.
We map available energy resources, production capacities, consumption, prices, and feasible technologies.
Using advanced mathematical modelling frameworks, we generate a comprehensive picture and consider the flows of energy carriers in integrated energy systems.
Projects related to model development »
Scenario and recommendations

We develop long-term scenarios and explore the potential impact of regulatory interventions, new policies, infrastructure, and technology developments.
We identify high-impact solutions for decarbonization. We support the preparation of long-term strategies and designate pathways to reach the goal of net-zero emissions.
We make recommendations and support planning and decision-making processes. We participate in consensus-building and knowledge-sharing with stakeholders.
Projects related to scenario analysis »
Feasibility studies

We identify new and developing technologies and assess their roles and impact on future energy systems, including the impact on future energy costs.
We estimate future demand for the services of new technologies.
We make recommendations concerning the optimal location of facilities, considering inputs, outputs, utilization of bi-products, present and planned infrastructure, and benefits of sector coupling.
Projects related to technology assessment »
Workshops and capacity building

We facilitate workshops, hold keynote speeches, and organize seminars.
We build up the capacity of local partners for energy planning and the use of the TIMES-Model.
We teach courses on the Balmorel model, and we offer tailored courses on energy modelling frameworks, energy system analysis, and decarbonization for professionals, students, and high school students.

We carry out assignments for scientific research and participate in collaborations on scientific research projects.
We are actively involved in the IEA-ETSAP community that leads a major initiative for open-source solutions for energy scenario modelling needs.
We tailor new models and model extensions according to the needs of the customer and develop modelling tools serving specific purposes.
Projects related to workshops and education »
We support the preparation of Long-Term Energy Strategies (LTES), Low-Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS), and Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) as well as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).
We are a partner of TEN21, assisting companies, cities, regions, and countries to transition their energy systems for the lowest or negative climate impact. TEN21 provides a full package of recommendations on what to do, when to invest, and how to finance it.