TEN21 Services supports the whole process of transitioning to decarbonized energy systems. Our services comprise the TEN21 Toolbox with three main components:

1. Energy Systems Model / Digital Twin
The backbone of the TEN21 Toolbox is a customized energy system model. The model is a digital twin of the existing system and contains comprehensive data on the district energy system in question.

The model is used to understand how data on available energy sources in the district, options of cross-sector synergies, future demand and energy prices, the efficiency of available technologies, and more will impact the system’s future performance.
Our experts use the model to analyze the energy system and generate various scenarios to answer customers’ questions. Subsequently, the scenarios show how different future district energy system targets can be reached.
After an iterative process, a preference scenario is generated. The scenario designates the optimal technology solutions. The full data on technical and investment aspects is generated for this scenario.
The model showcases the whole system and different parts of it. With the model, the heat generation of the system can be optimized per part and as a whole. The model also allows analyses of efficient system expansion and the ability to integrate waste heat sources.
2. The Technology Roadmap
The technology roadmap is developed based on the preference scenario. The roadmap outlines the recommended timeline for the transition and lists the recommended priority investment projects.
The roadmap is designed to recommend the least-cost solutions and the most feasible technologies with optimum cross-sector synergies. It also aligns necessary short-term goals with long-term goals.

3. The Business and Finance Model
We assess the bankability of the recommended priority investment projects and design an investment timeline reflecting the recommended transition timeline. If relevant, we can also develop a financial model for the project.
The development of district energy has historically relied on public financing. Meanwhile, as the sector is set to grow not the least across the EU, the private sector is showing a growing interest in the asset class of district energy.
TEN21 offers the service of matching relevant investors to the investment plan.
Our work process

The process is iterative and performed together with the customer. First, data are collected and an understanding of potential scenarios is established. Next, the model is built and test runs are made. The customer validates the results and relevant changes are incorporated.
The third step is to let the model run freely, to indicate the relevant solutions in a world with complete foresight. Of course, there is no perfect foresight, and adjustments are made to the free run, to identify a scenario that the customer believes in. Based on this scenario, detailed results are generated including financial information on the investments to be made (CAPEX and OPEX). The last step is a results workshop with the customer, where the results are reviewed in detail.
The delivery is a power point and a final report. If desired, a web interface of the model can be acquired and maintained for the customer’s daily use.
The process is intensive and necessitates customer engagement but the outcome is a roadmap, an estimated investment need, and a greatly accelerated decision-making process.
Our team is ready to answer your inquiries and make a proposal tailored to your needs.