Danish Bioresource Model

What is needed for the Danish agriculture and forestry to become climate neutral?
How should the limited Danish area be distributed in the future?
How can we utilize the available Danish biomass resources?

These are some of the tricky questions the Danish bio-resource model (DK-BioRes) can help answering.

If you want to create your own scenarios, the model is available open source in our GitHub repository.

Building DK-BioRes


Energy Modelling Lab has developed the flow-based model DK-BioRes containing all Danish biomass resources from both agriculture, forestry and aquaculture.

The model serves as a foundation for political decisions towards reaching the national climate goals.

The model can be connected to the full national energy model, DK-TIMES.


A crucial part of the project is training the analysts from the Danish Energy Agency in using the DK-BioRes model.

Through the series of courses Energy Modelling Lab has been training both regular and super users.

Duration: October 2020 – June 2021

EML team: Ida Græsted Jensen & Alexandra O’Sullivan Freltoft

Client: Danish Energy Agency

Budget: DKK 490.000

Reference: Bodil Harder

Model: The Danish Bioressource Model (DK-BioRes)

Vietnam’s long-term energy strategy

The Vietnamese economy is growing, and so is the energy demand. As the country moves forward new investments in clean energy and infrastructure are highly needed.

Energy Modelling Lab supports the Vietnamese government in developing and implementing a long-term energy strategy. We have updated and expanded an advanced energy systems model for Vietnam, the TIMES-Vietnam model.

Building DK-BioRes

Energy Modelling Lab has further developed the transport sector in the energy systems model for Vietnam, TIMES-Vietnam.

The model connects all relevant sectors from energy and heating to transport, industry, and health.

The model is used for long-term energy systems and climate policy planning. The scenarios show different paths to reach the Vietnamese government’s climate targets.

The scenario results serve as a foundation for the development of the Vietnam Energy Outlook report, showing the path ahead for the Vietnamese energy system.

Duration: 2020 – 2022

EML Team: Ida Græsted Jensen, Till ben Brahim and Kenneth Karlsson

Client: This project is part of the Framework contracts with Global Cooperation at the Danish Energy Agency

Collaborators: Ea Energy Analyses, Institute of Energy, E4SMA, Aarhus University

Model: TIMES

Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios

The project Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios aims at identifying technological solutions to a fully carbon-neutral Nordic region. It further aims at developing energy scenarios for the Nordic energy sector enabling the Nordic commitment to reach carbon neutrality.

Collaborating on finding the right solutions

NCES2020 brings together nine teams from four Nordic countries, with complementing modelling and analytical skills. Combined with the use of open-access energy system models and data, this strengthens Nordic cooperation and expertise in energy modelling.

The path to neutrality

If you are curious to know more about the results, you can find the five solution tracks here. You can also listen to the podcast, read the full report, or dive straight into the results data.

Building DK-BioRes

Energy Modelling Lab has developed an open-source energy model for the Nordic region (ON-TIMES).

The model covers Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland.

The model is used to identify paths to a fully carbon-neutral Nordic region.

Find the scenario results here.

The results are collected in the Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios report.

Duration: March 2020 – April 2021.

Project: Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios

EML Team: Kenneth Karlsson

Client: Nordic Energy Research

Budget: NOK 320.000

Reference: Kevin Johnsen, COO, Nordic Energy Research

Model: Open Nordic TIMES model (ON-TIMES)

Energy planning in Ukraine

The main objective of the project is to support Ukraine in planning for its future green energy system.

The project is part of a partnership program between Ukraine and Denmark, to achieve the goals of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for 2050.

Building DK-BioRes

Improving and updating the Energy System Model for Ukraine (TIMES-Ukraine), to contain the newest trends and technologies.

The model is used for long-term energy systems and climate policy planning.

Supporting the development of the Action Plan, showing the road towards national greenhouse gas reductions in Ukraine.

Duration: September 2020 – April 2021

Program: Ukraine-Denmark Energy Partnership Program (UDEPP)

EML Team: Mikkel Bosack Simonsen, Kenneth Karlsson

Client: The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources in Ukraine

Donor: Danish Energy Agency

Budget: DKK 382.050

Reference: Mourad Boucenna

Model: TIMES-Ukraine

Adding carbon capture to TIMES-DK

We have been adding carbon capture to TIMES-DK as it is a key piece in the future energy puzzle to capture carbon. CO2 is captured directly from the air, from industry chimneys, or in agriculture. This carbon can be used for two things. Either you can produce CO2-neutral fuels through Power2X technologies. Alternatively, the CO2 can be stored in the ground.

The project investigates the cost, potential, and limitations of the carbon streams.

Building DK-BioRes

The new technologies, which can deliver and utilize carbon capture, were added to the Danish Energy System Model (TIMES-DK). This allows the model to run scenarios that achieve long-term climate neutrality.

Duration: 2020

EML contact: Kenneth Karlsson

Model: The Danish Energy System Model (TIMES-DK)

Time-slicing tool for energy models

It is crucial to select suitable time slices in an energy model. Including time intervals with high demand is important, since leaving them out might create misleading results and bad investments.

Energy Modelling Lab created a smart tool for flexible time slice selection. The tool has been designed for the Danish energy system model (TIMES-DK).

Duration: November 2019 – March 2020

EML contact: Kenneth Karlsson

Client: Danish Energy Agency

Model: the Danish energy system model (TIMES-DK)