Low emission strategy in Jordan

Solar energy in Jordan. Energy Modelling Lab is assisting to develop a low emission strategy for Jordan.

Jordan is considered to be among the world’s most vulnerable to drought as a result of climate change. Major challenges are aridity, water scarcity, heavy reliance on fossil energy imports and rapid growth in population and urbanization.

The government is now addressing the need for a transition to a greener and more resilient economy. One important step is developing a National Long-Term Low Emission Strategy and Options Report 2050.

Energy Modelling Lab is contributing to developing a low-emission strategy in Jordan. We are creating a central modelling framework representing eight key sectors and their interconnections. By embedding baseline scenarios, we can estimate the impact of different options for decarbonization. We then create a shortlist of the least cost and most feasible options and are able to designate the optimal pathways.

Building DK-BioRes

Energy Modelling Lab shortlists decarbonization options, identifies cross-sector synergies and develops an integrated model.

The model includes a full investment catalogue for the entire energy sector and shows the economically optimal pathways through the jungle of technological solutions.

Through a series of scenarios, we can investigate the consequences of different climate scenarios and consider prioritized mitigation actions.

We also identify and consider socioeconomic and environmental impacts and co-benefits such as improved health and energy savings.

The final report proposes optimal decarbonization pathways and provides policy recommendations that are validated through workshops with key stakeholders.

The Jordanian Government will have a solid basis for a continuously informed decision process as we will build up local partner capacity to use and update the model.

Duration: August 2022 – June 2024

EML Team: Kenneth Karlsson, Mikkel Bosack Simonsen, Ida Græsted Jensen 

Client: The World Bank

Budget: DKK 679,250

Reference: Karsten Holm, Danish Energy Management

Collaborators: Danish Energy Management (DEM) and the Water, Energy and Environment

Center (WEEC) of the University of Jordan


New biogas module

Biogas plays an important role in the Danish energy system. That is why it is important to have a detailed representation of both existing and potential biogas technologies in the TIMES models.

Energy Modelling Lab has developed a new detailed biogas module in collaboration with The Danish Energy Agency.

Maabjerg Bioenergy in Holstebro is one of the 89 existing Danish biogas plants that has been modeled in the new biogas module.

The biogas module contains both existing and new plants

The model can now utilize the 89 existing biogas plants in Denmark, and it can choose to invest in new biogas plants when searching for solutions to cover our future energy demand.

Each plant can take classic biomasses such as manure or straw as input and generates both biogas and a fiber fraction, which can be utilized in for example pyrolysis processes. But the model is also ready to use new types of biomass like seaweed in future biogas plants.

The biogas plants in the module can each take different types of biomass as input and turn it into biogas and a fiber fraction. In the process, there is a methane (CH4) leakage depending on the age of the biogas plants.

Restrictions and regulation

A couple of restrictions have been added to the biogas plants. In this way, the model results become more realistic:

Project period: September 2022 – December 2022

EML TeamIda Græsted Jensen and Alexandra O’Sullivan Freltoft

ClientDanish Energy Agency

Budget: DKK 265,000

Reference: Simon Brøndum Andersen

Model: IntERACT (TIMES framework)

Net zero by 2050 in Vietnam

The Vietnamese economy is growing, and so is the demand for energy. As the country moves forward new investments in clean energy and infrastructure are highly needed. Energy Modelling Lab has developed scenarios to reach the target of net zero by 2050 in Vietnam.

The power generation and storage capacity should be 30 times higher than the current capacity.

Electricity should primarily come from solar power combined with batteries.

Power transmission should be increased by 40% compared to the present capacity.

The Vietnamese economy and energy consumption is growing.

Download the Energy Outlook Report 2021 for Vietnam

The report is written by the Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority in Vietnam (EREA) along with the Danish Energy Agency. Energy Modelling Lab has contributed to both the analysis and the report.

Duration: 2020 – 2022

EML Team: Ida Græsted Jensen, Till ben Brahim and Kenneth Karlsson

Client: This project is part of the Framework contracts with Global Cooperation at the Danish Energy Agency

Budget: DKK 410,373

Reference: Ole Emmik Søresen, Head of Divison Corporation the Danish Energy Agency

Collaborators: Ea Energy Analyses, Institute of Energy, E4SMA, Aarhus University

Model: TIMES

Data Center Waste Heat

In the future, Dublin will be heated by recycling thermal energy. Photo: Salim Darwiche (Wikipedia Commons)

In the Tallaght area of Dublin, there is a data center that needs cooling. At the same time, the surrounding households need heating. This is a perfect case for a mutually beneficial thermal energy network.  

It is also a perfect project for TEN21, a collaboration that Energy Modelling Lab is a partner of. In Dublin, the TEN21 toolbox has been used to support local officials on how to expand the district heating network to utilize waste heat from the data center. We have built an energy system model to find an efficient expansion strategy from a techno-economic perspective. In addition, we created a strategy for commercializing the district heating activity on a cost-recovery basis.  

All of this has been done in close dialogue with South Dublin County Council and Dublin’s Energy Agency to ensure that the work will have a real-world impact. 

The TEN21 project is assisting cities all over Europe to deliver climate-friendly thermal energy.

Sewage as part of the future heating and cooling

If you want to learn more about recycling heat from for example sewage, metros, and datacenters, then go to TEN21.eu.

This is an example of a thermal energy network. Here, waste from several sources is recycled as heating for public buildings. You can read more at TEN21.eu.
Building DK-BioRes


We developed an optimization model within the TIMES framework.

It first and foremost covers the heat and power sector in Dublin. But this model has an especially high level of detail.


Energy Modelling Lab developed a series of CO2-neutral scenarios for cooling and heating in Dublin.

In this way, we can identify the perfect fit for each district.

Duration: April 2021

Project: TEN21

Partners: South Dublin County Council, Dublin’s Energy Agency (CODEMA)

Energy Modelling Lab Contact: We participated in a research project exploring the role of fossil gas in the N Ida Græsted Jensen and Andrea Marin Radoszynski

Clean Nordic shipping

With a combined coastline of 43.000 km trading and traveling by sea is essential in the Nordic countries. At present, the maritime industry is facing a challenging green transition, diverting away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources. Probing the possibilities for clean Nordic shipping is more relevant than ever.

There are many possible paths to a sustainable Nordic shipping industry. Energy Modelling Lab is involved in the HOPE project, launched by Nordic Energy Research. The full name of the project is Hydrogen Fuel Cells Solutions in shipping in relation to other low-carbon options – a Nordic perspective.

HOPE analyses alternatives for CO2-neutral marine fuels and propulsion technologies from a Nordic point of view, by assessing the role of hydrogen and fuel cell solutions in relation to other low or zero-carbon fuel options.

Through a series of scenario studies, the Nordic energy model (ON-TIMES) is used to find the optimal paths to a fossil-free shipping industry.

The project has a special focus on hydrogen and fuel cells in relation to the other low-carbon options.

Duration: November 2021 – February 2023

EML team: Kenneth Karlsson, Andrea Marin RadoszynskiAlexandra O’Sullivan Freltoft

Partners: IVL – Svenska Miljöinstitutet

Client: Nordic Energy Research

Budget: DKK 148,000

Reference: Julie Hansson, Senior Project Manager

Model: The Open Nordic TIMES model (ON-TIMES) can be found open source in our GitHub repository.

Energy strategy in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan means the land of fire and energy resources as natural gas simply sets the country on fire. As the country moves forward new investments in energy and infrastructure are needed.

To ensure an informed decision process Energy Modelling Lab has supported the Government of Azerbaijan in developing and implementing a long-term energy strategy.

Building DK-BioRes

Energy Modelling Lab has developed and implemented a full energy model (TIMES-AZ) for Azerbaijan, connecting all relevant sectors from energy and heating to transport and industry.

The model is used for long-term energy systems and climate policy planning.

Energy Modelling Lab is supporting the Government of Azerbaijan with training in the use of the energy system model.

Duration: November 2020 – November 2021

External experts from the EML Team: Kenneth Karlsson, Mikkel Bosack Simonsen, Till ben Brahim & Andrea Marin Radoszynski

Client: Government of Azerbaijan

Consortium: Rambøll, NIRAS, Equinoccio

Reference: Angel Diez, Managing Partner, Equinoccio

Donor: The EU Commission

Budget: DKK 644,425


Vietnam’s long-term energy strategy

The Vietnamese economy is growing, and so is the energy demand. As the country moves forward new investments in clean energy and infrastructure are highly needed.

Energy Modelling Lab supports the Vietnamese government in developing and implementing a long-term energy strategy.

Building DK-BioRes

Energy Modelling Lab has further developed the transport sector in the energy systems model for Vietnam.

The model connects all relevant sectors from energy and heating to transport, industry, and health.

The model is used for long-term energy systems and climate policy planning. The scenarios show different paths to reach the Vietnamese government’s climate targets.

The scenario results serve as a foundation for the development of the Vietnam Energy Outlook report, showing the path ahead for the Vietnamese energy system.

Duration: 2020 – 2022

EML Team: Ida Græsted Jensen, Till ben Brahim and Kenneth Karlsson

Client: This project is part of the Framework contracts with Global Cooperation at the Danish Energy Agency

Collaborators: Ea Energy Analyses, Institute of Energy, E4SMA, Aarhus University

Model: TIMES

Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios

The project Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios aims at identifying technological solutions to a fully carbon-neutral Nordic region. It further aims at developing energy scenarios for the Nordic energy sector enabling the Nordic commitment to reach carbon neutrality.

Collaborating on finding the right solutions

NCES2020 brings together nine teams from four Nordic countries, with complementing modelling and analytical skills. Combined with the use of open-access energy system models and data, this strengthens Nordic cooperation and expertise in energy modelling.

The path to neutrality

If you are curious to know more about the results, you can find the five solution tracks here. You can also listen to the podcast, read the full report, or dive straight into the results data.

Building DK-BioRes

Energy Modelling Lab has developed an open-source energy model for the Nordic region (ON-TIMES).

The model covers Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland.

The model is used to identify paths to a fully carbon-neutral Nordic region.

Find the scenario results here.

The results are collected in the Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios report.

Duration: March 2020 – April 2021.

Project: Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios

EML Team: Kenneth Karlsson

Client: Nordic Energy Research

Budget: NOK 320.000

Reference: Kevin Johnsen, COO, Nordic Energy Research

Model: Open Nordic TIMES model (ON-TIMES)

TIMES modelling courses at SDU

Energy Modelling Lab provides TIMES modelling courses at SDU, the Southern University of Denmark. Furthermore, one of the students joined Energy Modelling Lab for an internship in the fall of 2021.

TIMES modelling course

The students get an insight into the globally used energy system modelling tool TIMES. Furthermore, the course dives into the Danish model TIMES-DK to assess the Danish energy systems.

Projects made by the students

– Modelling of battery capacity in electric vehicles
– Energy islands in the Danish area of the North Sea

Duration: 2019-2021

Contact person EML: Kenneth Karlsson and Ida Græsted

Energy planning in Ukraine

The main objective of the project is to support Ukraine in planning for its future green energy system.

The project is part of a partnership program between Ukraine and Denmark, to achieve the goals of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for 2050.

Building DK-BioRes

Improving and updating the Energy System Model for Ukraine (TIMES-Ukraine), to contain the newest trends and technologies.

The model is used for long-term energy systems and climate policy planning.

Supporting the development of the Action Plan, showing the road towards national greenhouse gas reductions in Ukraine.

Duration: September 2020 – April 2021

Program: Ukraine-Denmark Energy Partnership Program (UDEPP)

EML Team: Mikkel Bosack Simonsen, Kenneth Karlsson

Client: The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources in Ukraine

Donor: Danish Energy Agency

Budget: DKK 382.050

Reference: Mourad Boucenna

Model: TIMES-Ukraine