We have contributed to the collective research article entitled Exploring European decarbonisation pathways in the Power Decisions Game. The article was published in the international journal Energy, Sustainability and Society.
The Power Decisions Game provides a first-of-its-kind open-source infrastructure. It allows non-modellers to explore the impact of key decisions and preferences on the design of the future European power system. Furthermore, it provides insights into the consequences of short-sighted decision-making. The game can be used to facilitate policy-science discussions.
The game is based on more than 1700 scenarios. The scenarios have been run through an open-source and accessible, yet technologically detailed, myopic energy system optimization model for the electricity supply in the EU27 + 3.
The game allows the user to take the role of a decision-maker and make decisions in 2020, 2030, and 2040 regarding the usage of CCS, biomass imports, cross-border electricity transmission, and the pace of emission reductions.
The user is then presented with the economic, social, and environmental impacts of these choices. These impacts are, for example, measured and illustrated in the development of accumulated CO2 emissions per capita, levelised cost of electricity, and investment need per citizen.
Exploring European decarbonisation pathways in the Power Decisions Game
Project: REEEM (Role of Technologies in an Energy-Efficient Economy – Model-based analysis of Policy Measures and transformation pathways to a Sustainable Energy System)
Donor: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
Collaborators: Hauke T. J. Henke, Francesco Gardumi, Ólavur Ellefsen, Marita Lítlá, and Bo Lærke
EML Team: Kenneth Karlsson
Duration: 2016-2019