PhD-course in energy modelling

The Technical University of Denmark asked Energy Modelling Lab to help organize and run a Ph.D. course in energy modelling. The title of the course is Introduction to Balmorel.

Throughout the 3-week course, the students gained knowledge of
– Energy systems analysis and scenarios
– Mathematical optimization
– The energy systems model Balmorel

Date: August 2021

EML Team: Ida Græsted Jensen

Client: Technical University of Denmark

Collaborators: RAM-lose

Model: Balmorel

Training international energy modelers

Energy Modelling Lab was asked by DTU to help organizing and run the course Introduction to Balmorel.

Through the 4-week course the students learned:
– How to do system energy modelling
– To use the Balmorel modelling tool.

The course included visits from the Danish Energy Agency and Ea Energy Analysis. Further more the students went on field trips to both Danish Energy and Energy Modelling Lab.

The course was tailored to modelers from developing and growing countries, and had 20 participants from five different countries. It was run at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), through the Danida Fellowship Centre.

Date: August 2021 – September 2021.

Contact person, EML: Ida Græsted Jensen

Contact, DTU: Marie Münster

Other participants: Ea Energy Analyses, RAM-lose

A new educational platform KAOS

Educating the future generation on how to tackle the climate crisis is essential.

Energy Modelling Lab has developed a new educational platform KAOS, containing exercises within Mathematics, Social science, Geography, and Physics.

The platform focuses on climate change and energy system modelling and provides the students with the challenging task within Energy systems and planning, Carbon budgets, agriculture scenarios, and more.

Try it out:

Duration: June – April 2021

Team: Kenneth Karlsson and Alexandra O’Sullivan Freltoft

Collaborators: Jette Hagesen from Envice

Client: Børne- og Undervisningsministeriet

Web platform:

Reducing air pollution saves billions of kroner

When discussing how expensive the green transition becomes for the Danish society, it is important to consider more aspects than only the investments needed.

Our results show that when looking solely on the saved health costs from the reduction in air pollution, the society can save 10 to 20 billion Danish kroner per year.

Several Danish studies estimates the cost of the transition to be approximately 13 to 26 billion Danish kroner a year from 2025 to the year when the transition is complete. These costs often do not include the savings for the society in terms of, e.g., less air pollution.

Read the full analysis (Danish):

EML Team: Kenneth Karlsson and Ida Græsted

Energy planning in Ukraine

The main objective of the project is to support Ukraine in planning for its future green energy system.

The project is part of a partnership program between Ukraine and Denmark, to achieve the goals of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for 2050.

Building DK-BioRes

Improving and updating the Energy System Model for Ukraine (TIMES-Ukraine), to contain the newest trends and technologies.

The model is used for long-term energy systems and climate policy planning.

Supporting the development of the Action Plan, showing the road towards national greenhouse gas reductions in Ukraine.

Duration: September 2020 – April 2021

Program: Ukraine-Denmark Energy Partnership Program (UDEPP)

EML Team: Mikkel Bosack Simonsen, Kenneth Karlsson

Client: The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources in Ukraine

Donor: Danish Energy Agency

Budget: DKK 382.050

Reference: Mourad Boucenna

Model: TIMES-Ukraine

Zero Energy Buildings in Korea

The Korea New Green Deal highlights that a total of $15.3 billion is invested, in Zero Energy Public Buildings by 2025. The focus on Zero Energy Buildings has a specific target on schools including remodeling old school buildings. The aim is to make them energy-efficient and run on solar power.

In this study, the Energy Modeling Lab analyses the impacts of changing the energy supply in South Korea’s school buildings. The three focus areas are greenhouse gasses, air pollution and health, and economic consequences.

Implementation date: March 2021 – May 2021

Contact person: Till ben Brahim

Engaging in the modelling community

The Energy Technology Systems Analysis Programme (ETSAP) is an active network of modelers around the world.

Energy Modelling Lab is engaging in the biannual ETSAP workshops, that focus on the practice of modelling. We also participate in training activities and collaboration on projects related to the improvement of ETSAP tools such as the TIMES models.

The contribution to these workshops are based on current and future projects, particular within EU, Nordic and Danish research programs.

Adding carbon capture to TIMES-DK

We have been adding carbon capture to TIMES-DK as it is a key piece in the future energy puzzle to capture carbon. CO2 is captured directly from the air, from industry chimneys, or in agriculture. This carbon can be used for two things. Either you can produce CO2-neutral fuels through Power2X technologies. Alternatively, the CO2 can be stored in the ground.

The project investigates the cost, potential, and limitations of the carbon streams.

Building DK-BioRes

The new technologies, which can deliver and utilize carbon capture, were added to the Danish Energy System Model (TIMES-DK). This allows the model to run scenarios that achieve long-term climate neutrality.

Duration: 2020

EML contact: Kenneth Karlsson

Model: The Danish Energy System Model (TIMES-DK)

Time-slicing tool for energy models

It is crucial to select suitable time slices in an energy model. Including time intervals with high demand is important, since leaving them out might create misleading results and bad investments.

Energy Modelling Lab created a smart tool for flexible time slice selection. The tool has been designed for the Danish energy system model (TIMES-DK).

Duration: November 2019 – March 2020

EML contact: Kenneth Karlsson

Client: Danish Energy Agency

Model: the Danish energy system model (TIMES-DK)