What would be the impact on carbon emissions if a country replaced 50% of coal-based energy production with solar solutions? Or increase wind energy production to meet growing demand instead of increasing gas-based energy production? We can obtain the answers to such questions by running simulations or creating scenarios in advanced mathematical models.
For several years now, Ida Græsted Jensen, PhD, and partner in Energy Modelling Lab, has been teaching how to understand and use energy system modelling. One of the courses is organized by DANIDA Fellowship Centre. It is focusing on the Balmorel Model and is taking place at the Technical University of Denmark.
The participants learn to construct a Balmorel Model tailored to their own country. The purpose is to find the optimal future investments in energy systems. They will be able to understand large-scale energy system analyses and analyze energy systems. Additionally, critical thinking on results, use, and key assumptions plays an important part in the course.

The course targets professionals, who are either new to modelling in Balmorel or need to refresh their skills. Participants must have basic knowledge of energy systems.
Date: August 2023
EML Team: Ida Græsted Jensen
Client: DANIDA Fellowship Centre
Reference: Professor Marie Münster, Danish Technical University
Collaborators: Technical University of Denmark, Ea Energy Analyses, and RAM-lose
Model: Balmorel