Energy Modelling Lab (EML) is a well-positioned consulting company and offers services to companies, institutions, and government agencies worldwide.
Analysis & Advice

We advise on strategic energy planning and provide analysis of energy systems, energy markets, and the potential impact of new technologies and policies.
Aiming to optimize energy systems on all levels, we identify the most feasible and low-cost solutions.
Our preferred method is to build customized energy systems models, ensuring a scientific approach.
Iterative Design and Process

We generate numerous long-term scenarios, giving the big picture and allowing for in-depth analysis and testing of multiple options.
Based on feedback from our client, we update assumptions and targets, designing and generating more scenarios. The close collaboration is conducive to an informed planning and decision-making process.
Roadmap & Investment Plan

We translate the results of the scenario analysis into a Roadmap, detailing priority investment projects and timelines. Additionally, we offer to design investment plans.
Our clients can use the customized models as flexible tools for continuous strategic energy planning, dovetailing system developments and financial planning.
Workshops and Capacity Building

We facilitate workshops, hold keynote speeches, and organize seminars on strategic energy planning and energy systems modelling as a tool.
Our consultants have extensive experience in teaching. We tailor courses on the TIMES energy systems modelling framework and the heat and power model Balmorel.
Research and Supervision

We carry out assignments for scientific research and participate in international scientific research projects.
EML hosts PhD and master’s students, and our consultants function as supervisors.
As leading experts on the TIMES energy systems modelling framework, we are actively involved in the IEA-ETSAP community.
District Heating Collaboration
We are a partner of TEN21, assisting companies, cities, regions, and countries to transition their energy systems for the lowest or negative climate impact. TEN21 provides a full package of recommendations on what to do, when to invest, and how to finance it.